More people nowadays are looking for alternative medicine to solve their problems. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), one-third of people in the United States seek other forms of medicine. According to the National Center (NC) for Health Statistics at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, from 2002 to 2007 alone, the use of complementary and alternative medicines increased by 14%.
Home remedies have been around us for at least hundreds of years. They were used as drugs long before they were available. Today, most medicines are derived from Indian and traditional Chinese herbs from thousands of years ago. ‘
Some people have shown interest in these treatments, so it is important to know which treatments are really effective and which are not. The next time you’re feeling bad about the weather, try one of seven scientifically proven home remedies.

Home Remedies That Actually Works
Use Ginger Juice To Stop Nausea
If your mom once gave you a ginger ale when you weren’t feeling well, you may be on the right track. According to a study from the University of Exeter, eating ginger is an effective way to eliminate nausea and prevent vomiting.
Remove Warts With Duct Tape
Several studies have shown that catheter tape is as effective as cryotherapy in reducing warts, and this option is often less painful. By applying tape to warts, you can remove them in about 28 days, while other treatments may require multiple treatments, so they need to be separated for several weeks.
Taking Magnesium Can Improve Sleep
Magnesium deficiency is associated with sleep disorders. Research published in the Journal of Medical Research shows that magnesium supplements can effectively relieve the symptoms of insomnia. Caroline Dean, MD, North Carolina, Maryland, said: “Magnesium is known as an anti-stress mineral. It helps relax muscles and acts as a natural sleep aid during deep sleep. ”
Use Sponge Bath For Fever
According to a study that was published in the Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care found that sponge baths are effective at initial temperatures. A sponge can lower the temperature by 1 to 2 degrees in about 45 minutes. It’s best to use warm water and (should) keep the room a little warm (around 75 degrees).”
Honey And Lemon Tea Soothes The Throat
Holistic physician Amanda Campbell said in an email: “Lemon and honey are antibacterial, so at the first sign of a cold, add them to a cup of hot water to soothe a sore throat and strengthen the immune system. Another study was published in the Pediatrics journal found that two teaspoons of honey can ease a sore throat and reduce coughing in patients with the common cold.
Use Peppermint Oil For Headaches
Essential oils are all the rage these days, and for good reason. Research in Nervenarzt magazine supports this view that rubbing peppermint oil on the forehead and temples is an effective way to relieve headaches and only takes 15 minutes.

Use Peppermint Oil For Headaches
Drink Chamomile Tea To Relieve Anxiety
Chamomile is one of the oldest herbs. It has no known side effects and is not addictive. A large number of studies have shown that the herb is a mild sedative and can effectively treat anxiety. These remedies are usually effective for most people, but if you have a serious medical condition or pain, you should always consult with your doctor to determine the best treatment.
Honey and Cinnamon For Common Colds
Honey and cinnamon mix is said to help cure colds and other ailments (like bladder infections). Just mix the local raw honey with cinnamon and a little gray or pink sea salt. Twice a day for three days. A 2015 study found that a tablespoon of cinnamon a day can help eliminate or prevent colds in humans. Another study found that honey has medicinal and antibacterial properties. How about a double hit?