Yuri Gagarin was the first humen being to fly into space. On April 12, 1961, his flight lasted 108 minutes, when he put the Soviet spacecraft Vostok into a slightly larger orbit around Earth. After the flight, Gagarin became a culture hero of the Soviet Union. Even today, more than sixty years after the historic flight, Gagarin is widely celebrated in the Russian Museum of Cosmonautics, displaying many artifacts, busts, and statues in his honor. His body is buried in the Moscow Kremlin and part of his spaceship is on display in the RSC Energia museum.Gagarin’s flight took place at a time when the United States and the Soviet Union were fighting for the supremacy of space technology. The Soviet Union sent the first artificial Earth satellite into space in October 1957.Before Gagarin’s mission, the Soviets conducted a test flight using the Vostok spacecraft prototype and entered space. During this flight, they sent a life-size doll, Ivan Ivanovich, and a dog named Zvezdochka into space. After a test flight, the Soviet Union decided that the craft was suitable for manned space flight. [Infographic: How the first manned flight into space was completed

The First Man In Space Yuri Gagarin Of The USSR
Gagarin The Legend
More than 200 Russian Air Force fighter pilots were selected as astronaut candidates. These pilots are considered the best because they will be affected by the acceleration and ejection processes and will be exposed to high pressures. Gagarin at the time was a 27-year-old senior lieutenant and was one of the selected pilots. On 12 April 1961 at 9:07 Moscow time, the Vostok-1 spacecraft was launched from the Soviet cosmodrome. Since no one knows how weightlessness will affect the pilot, it is unlikely that a spherical capsule will be able to control flight. Whether this work is done automatically or from the ground. In an emergency, Gagarin was supposed to receive a cancellation code that would allow him to operate manually, but Sergei Korolev, the chief designer of the Soviet space program, ignored the agreement and went ahead of the flight. …In 108 minutes, Vostok-1 made one revolution around the Earth, reaching a maximum altitude of 203 miles (327 kilometers). If the engine fails and Gagarin has to wait for the natural decay of orbit, the spacecraft will need 10 days to prepare. But action is not necessary. Gagarin re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere and managed to retain consciousness, since the gravity that he suffered during the descent was eight times greater than the force of gravity.Vostok-1 does not have an engine that slows the speed of entry into the atmosphere and there is no way to land safely. Gagarin climbed about 4 miles (7 kilometers), was ejected from the spacecraft, and landed on the ground with a parachute. To treat the flight as a formal space flight, the Aerospace Records Management Agency of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) has established that a pilot must accompany a spacecraft to land. Soviet leaders announced that Gagarin had landed on Vostok-1, and it was only in 1971 that it became clear that he had been expelled. Despite this, Gagarin still set the record for being the first person to leave Earth’s orbit and travel into space. [The main stages of manned space flight: images
Gagarin’s Legacy
After Gagarin returned to Earth, he became an international hero. In Red Square, Moscow’s city square, he was greeted by hundreds of thousands of jubilant people. Gagarin is a national treasure, he travels the world to celebrate the historical achievements of the Soviet Union.After returning home, Gagarin became a representative of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union (the highest legislative body of the Soviet Union) and was appointed commander of the cosmonaut corps. Since the Soviets did not want to risk losing such an important public figure, they were hesitant to allow Gagarin to return to space. However, he continued to conduct test flights for the Air Force.On March 27, 1968, Gagarin was killed along with other pilots during a flight in a MiG-15 fighter. His wife Valentina Ivanovna Goryacheva (Valentina Ivanovna Goryacheva) and two daughters survived.

Gagarins Legacy